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Monday, June 20, 2005
Batman Began
Eat it Star Wars, Batman just dominated the movie season!

****If you haven't seen the movie yet, and don't want me to ruin all the good parts for you STOP READING NOW****

That movie kicked ass on so many levels that I'm pretty sure I recieved some bruising. Okay I really don't know what I'm talking about, but trust in what I say, if you haven't seen the movie yet and you're still reading this I urge you to turn your computer off, go see the movie, and then comeback and finish reading this post.
Okay here is my list of the things in this movie that made it dominate the game. The final ninja training when bruce was all hopped up on 'flower powder'. Morgan Freeman in classic Morgan Freeman-mode. The bat-tank (I admit I didn't think I'd like it because it was so far away from the batmobile we all know and love....but it worked). Michael Caine as Alfred....dominant. The batman nipples. Future police chief Gordon as officer Gordon (well played by Gary Oldman). Katie Holmes is hot. Great job showing Bruce Wayne vs. Batman. Two torched living quarters. Appropriately cheesy comicbook lines. The Joker's calling card to end the movie/set up the next one.

I've also got a couple minor complaints. The scarecrow is a weak badguy in general, but the whole master plan was pretty cool so I can let that go. I like Liam Neeson, but hes not a bad guy and shouldn't be cast as such. They changed the whole batman's parents get murdered story (again I'm slightly willing to allow it because they worked it into the story in a good way), its supposed to be the Joker pulling the trigger on Daddy Wayne though. As good as Michael Caine was as Alfred (and I wouldn't change it) hes like 6'6" and HUGE...Alfred is supposed to be 5'2"ish.

So thats what I thought about it....and now for sitting through my poor gramatical ramblings I present not one but two top 5's.

Top 5 Comic Superheros:

5. Nightcrawler
4. Spider-man
3. Wolverine
2. Batman
1. Gambit

Top 5 Comic Supervillains

5. Dr. Doom
4. Magneto
3. Sabretooth
2. Venom
1. The Joker

P.S. for the record Superman blows....that is all.

Was the Joker the killer of Batman's parents in the comic, or just in the first movie? I didn't think he did it in the comic. He's a bit too young for it.

Besides, he had his hands full killing Robin.
superman blows CHUNKS!
It would appear that the Joker killing Batman's folks was just in the movie, not the comics....huh, learn something everyday


In that case I appriciate the new movie even more....yeah Batman!
my brother loves gambit, too. he used to walk around with playing cards.
Gambit is the ultimate character. Why he has yet to make an appearance in the movies is beyond me.

I'm also hearing that he only gets a cameo appearance in X3.

I am a disgruntled fan right now.
i didn't read enough comics as a kid :(
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