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Monday, June 13, 2005
Think Happy Thoughts
I was gonna write a post about my rediculous day installing a ceiling fan in my room, but that would have resulted in record setting amounts of vulgarity and anger. So I'm just gonna letyou know that the fan is in place, but it still has a bit of a wobble when it gets going at high speed.....curse my slanted ceiling!

So in place of ceiling fan anger, heres one of those internet question/answer thingies on books.

What is the last book you bought?
The Teeth of the Tiger - Tom Clancy

Name five books you really like.
1. Debt of Honour - Tom Clancy (maddness! pure maddness!)
2. The Bourne Trilogy - Robert Ludlum
3. Of Ice and Men - Bruce Dowbiggin
4. Rainbow Six - Tom Clancy
5. The McNally Series - Lawrence Saunders

How many books do you own?
41 (that I've bought and read in the last couple years)
53 (still kickin around from childhood, hardy boys, nancy drew, etc.)
18 (university text books)
Grand Total: 112 books...not too shabby

Name the last book you read.
Yzerman: The Making of a Champion - Douglas Hunter

this i like... too bad i'm off to work. i'll fill it out later
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