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Saturday, August 20, 2005

Most movies have soundtrack CDs that acompany them, and some have the 'music inspired by the motion picture' CD that I pretty much think is a scam for more money. The ones I've seen have always been various artists stuff, and sometimes they're actually ok. Then the other day I saw Jon Bon Jovi sings songs inspired by the film Young Guns II. I've had a hard time deciding if this was funny or sad...I've decided its funny, you can decide for yourself.

The rediculous storm we had yesterday flooded my work, so I didn't have to go in...but they didn't tell anyone til we got there. Oh well I got paid for half a shift for making an appearance so I guess I won't complain too loudly. bastards.

Also for all you potty mouths out there, we've got this:

Which Swear (Curse) Word Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Your word is SHIT. You are laid back and relaxed,
and most people like you. You don't especially
want to stand out from the crowd, you are
pretty happy with your lot.

Yeah, fuck that shit, I'm out.