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Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Shits and Giggles
It's thunderstorming like a mad-man right now, and I've got a movie I want to watch. But I don't want to turn on my TV in case we get a power surge and it blows up, cause I would be a furious little child if my TV went away (not that there is much good television right now). Thats not the only problem though, I also want a bag of chips to eat while I enjoy this movie but there are none to be found in the house (not even any popcorn), and I will be damned if I go outside in this insane storm. If I'm going outside for anything it's going to be to help the crazy bearded dude build his ark. Haha shit, I wish I could remember where I stole that joke from.

Speaking of stealing jokes, did anyone watch Last Comic Standing last night? Overall I give it two thumbs up. But man I hate it when the comics tell jokes that I've heard before. It's way less funny when you know the punchline. I've got a few favorites already though. As long as a couple of them make it into the final grouping in the house I'll be pretty happy.
If you're in the mood for a few giggles you can check out the 100 Funniest Jokes of All-time.

I had a couple other things to ramble about, but the rain appears to be letting up so I'm gonna bust a move over to the chip asile at the local grocery store. Wish me luck!