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Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Get Out of My Personal Space!!
So let me tell you about the break room at my work. There are 5 circular tables with 3 to 5 chairs around each one. Got the picture in your head? Good. So I go into the break room and there is one other person in there sitting at a table reading the paper. I pour myself a cup of disgusting-ass coffee, grab a paper and sit down at another table and begin to read. Ten to fifteen minutes go by and one of the new guys walks in (not the feet on my desk guy). He gives me the 'hey whats up' headnod and I respond with the 'I am aware of your presence' headnod and I return to my paper. New Guy then procedes to sit down beside me. Not just at the same table, but right fucking beside me. I'm talking about, I could've elbowed him in the face without getting up, close sitting (or "dropping 'bows" like the kids say*). Now I'm thinking that this guy is feeling kinda lonely as the newbie on the staff and he wants to make friends or something. I ask him "Hows it going?", y'know being sympathetic to his feelings of 'newness' and all. What does the motherfucker do? He mumbles something to himself (me?), pulls out his cell phone and then makes a call to his significant other and then proceeds to have a long and LOUD conversation. Right fucking beside me!! Fuck! What is wrong in the brain of this guy?? So now I've got two assclowns that need to be fired on my list. Plus, y'know what he was talking about? Buying vegetarian meals!! Fuck me in the ear thats an awful conversation to listen to half of.

*Do the kids still say that? 'Cause they should